• ඔබ පරාජය වන්නේ, පරාජය යථාර්තයක් සේ පිළිගන්නේ නම් හා උත්සාහය අත්හැර දමන්නේ නම් පමණි...!

    HNDE Epistle

    "Students following the above program have been in contact with some of us over a number of years, regarding shortcomings in their program. About two years back, some of us did a serious study of the issues presented to us, and made a comprehensive set of recommendations for the reform of the whole system of non-university tertiary education, going beyond the HNDE program, as we felt that such a reform was a national need. This was presented as a memorandum to the National Education Commission when they called for representations from the public. It was also presented to all other relevant authorities at various times over the last two years. However, no serious consideration seems to have been given to our representations.

    The HNDE students have now requested us to propose an immediate remedy to their urgent needs, as an overall solution to the problems of tertiary education based on its unification seems to be too difficult to implement. We feel that this program (the HNDE) is important in the national context and that it deserves more attention. As the proposed unified system of tertiary education is not forthcoming, we now propose that at least the HNDE program be restructured by affiliation to a suitable University (perhaps Colombo or Kelaniya) as an institute attached to the university, on the model of The Institute of Technology University of Moratuwa (ITUM) which was established in 2000 to conduct the NDT program."


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